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Crosshall Junior Academy Trust

Our School

A Message from Head Teacher Anne Eardley

Dear Visitor,

Thank you for taking a look at our website and showing an interest in our school.

Crosshall Junior School is a dynamic environment; no year is the same, as no group of children or individuals are the same; and this year, in particular, is momentous as it marks the 50th Anniversary of Crosshall.  The school offers a consistent approach across the years and has high expectations. Children are nurtured and feel cared about, as demonstrated by our accreditation as the Flagship School: Centre of Excellence for Inclusion – the only school in the whole of the eastern region.

Our outstanding curriculum aims to develop life-skills and provide a first-class education. Future Me promotes ways in which aspirations for adulthood can be achieved from the age of seven.  Members of the community also work with the children so that they have a realistic understanding of their jobs. Oracy, literacy and numeracy are promoted alongside the arts, PE, humanities, computing, science, DT, IT and languages, and the school has excellent resources reflecting this ambition.  

Assessment is integral to learning and we use formative and summative assessment to ensure that teaching is targeted, relevant and timely.  To ensure accurate benchmarks, we have used GL Assessment packages for over ten years. The marking and feedback policy recognises that the children are on a learning journey and our use of ‘not yet’ encourages students to think through problems.  Encountering challenges indicates that a child is learning and it is when a child bounces back from difficulties that  confidence, resilience and drive are developed.  The deepest learning often comes through adversity and perfectionists have their thinking challenged.

Although the children in Year Six sit their End of Key Stage Two Tests, and we ensure that our children are well prepared to do their very best, we do not adhere to an ‘exam factory’ approach.  Throughout the school, process and effort are praised and a growth mindset is encouraged.  We want our children to be equally brave and to make the most of every opportunity. 

Future Me, rewards children who, regardless of academic ability, take risks, try something new, participate in social  action and build character, whether at school or home.  Personal and social skills are fostered through a secure and positive framework and links have been built with the local and wider community.

By the end of the Key Stage, we believe that our children are successful, more independent, happy and confident students, ready to become responsible citizens; they are more aware of what they would like to attain in the future and have the skills and know-how to Achieve their Dreams.

Anne Eardley
Head Teacher

Our Vision

  1. Attract and retain the best teaching talent and support staff (promote their skills and provide equal opportunities to support their development)
  2. Embed sustainability principles for Crosshall's long term success
  3. Have an outstanding digital and school infrastructure, which caters for all aspects of the curriculum.
  4. Foster an inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum, enhanced by areas of excellence for which the school is renowned, such as character education.
  5. Promote positive social value, equality, environment good, and mental and physical wellbeing in our approach to education.

About Our School

Crosshall Junior School Academy Trust is a large junior school (primary school Year Three, Four, Five and Six) with four classes per year group.  Whilst serving the immediate area of Eaton Ford, the school also attracts families from outside the locality including other parts of St Neots, Eynesbury, Hail Weston, Little Paxton, the Offords and beyond. The school is highly regarded.

Leadership at all levels has had a significant impact on the development of the school’s rich, inclusive learning environment.  The teachers are highly motivated and staff turnover is extremely low. Seven teachers are male.

The children are central to the culture of continual improvement.  We strive to provide an education that is dynamic, personalised and appropriate.  We want our children to feel nurtured and cared about and to lead happy and successful lives whilst at primary school and beyond.

Confidence, resilience and drive are crucial and our curriculum rewards children who take risks and a role in social action.  Combining our character building curriculum with a growth mind-set ensures that they become responsible citizens and have the skills and knowledge to Achieve their Dreams.

Opening and Closing Times

We offer a 'soft start' whereby students are welcomed into class via the Blue Door from 8:35am.

Registration takes place at 8:45am and school ends at 3:20pm. This is 31.75 hours per week. 

If students are late, they must enter school via the school office, where they will need to be signed in.

Crosshall Junior School Ethos and Values





Our ethos is encompassed in our school values of Ambition, Resilience and Kindness (ARK) and our motto of 'Achieve Your Dreams'

We aim to enable and encourage every student to achieve his or her full potential in every aspect of school life.  

Over the years at Crosshall Junior School, we have worked hard to create an environment where students develop a true joy of learning.  We believe that students with different abilities, backgrounds and talents have much to contribute to each other.  

We recognise the individual needs of all students, and our attitude towards the curriculum emphasises the broader concept of personal development.

We live in a rapidly changing society, and it is important that students are prepared for the future by being flexible enough to cope with change and having open minds.

British Values at Crosshall Junior School

Crosshall Junior School’s ethos, which permeates all aspects of school life, is to build strong foundations of excellence through quality and aspiration in all we do for our children, so they may live harmoniously together and enjoy success and fulfilment throughout their lives.

We believe all schools should encourage their pupils to respect and tolerate other people, whatever their personal circumstances, background or beliefs and that this is a fundamental part of preparation for life in modern Britain.

We teach the three values of Ambition, Resilience and Kindness (ARK), which link closely to British values. A fundamental element of achieving this aim is through promoting the key British values of:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

These values are an integral part of the curriculum and, as well as being used as the basis for assemblies throughout the school, are taught across a range of subjects. In addition, the key British values are promoted and modelled by all staff within the school.